One thing we wanted to push here at Cre8ive Wedding Films this year, in conjunction with being dynamic, authentic, and unforgettable in everything we do, is taking some time to introduce our Cre8ives.
These are the people that create everything we do, and from the moment you inquire about our services to the final delivery of your Wedding Film, our team goes above and beyond to use their skills to craft something personal, bespoke, and beautiful for you and your love story.
We thought it would be fitting to first introduce the man that works with every couple and every project that comes through the Cre8ive Wedding Films studio! We asked him to share a little bit about his backstory, why he loves what we do, and what he’s excited for in 2021 and beyond!
Hey y’all!
I’m Alex, and I’m the Director of Event Production here at Cre8ive Wedding Films. Whether you’re wanting to capture your big day in a gorgeous Wedding Film, or you’re interested in some of our awesome Livestream services, chances are you’ll get the chance to talk to me! I wanted to share a little bit about myself to give you a little glimpse into my life, because I definitely don’t want you to feel like you’re talking to a stranger when you come through our doors!

I’ve always been into storytelling. Starting way back when I was growing up, me and my brothers would put on puppet shows that we made out of paper lunch sacks– and somehow I was the one in charge of it all (but seeing where I am now, that definitely tracks).
I started singing and performing in my junior high years, and ultimately became a die-hard theatre and choir kid in high school. Every show, every group, you can guarantee I was involved in one way or another. I made some incredible friendships through those things, most of which are still going strong today! I began to learn about how to tell a story, and what aspects we as artists use to draw people in, stir emotion, and ultimately tell a story that in genuine and real.
I graduated from high school in 2013 and decided to pursue a BFA in Theatre Production at Texas Christian University in Fort Worth. While I was definitely not a handyman or a technical whiz, I was drawn to this program because I felt it would give me a more versatile skill set for a variety of career options.
The summer between my junior and senior years at TCU, I stayed with my parents here in Lubbock, and actually interned here at Cre8ive Wedding Films! I had the opportunity try out a lot of new things, and work in a new medium that I hadn’t experienced working in theatre, but I loved getting to be behind the camera and make creative choices about how a couple’s big day was going to be told. Through the incredible direction of my predecessor Carly, and getting to know the awesome couples we worked with, I was able to interpret these moments and conversations into how their story was going to be unique!

I graduated in the Spring of 2017 and accepted a recording engineer position at a small studio in Rochester, NY. While I wasn’t quite working in what I studied, I had the opportunity to work with music and sound that I was still passionate about, and I also had the chance to take on a large amount of the company’s video work. And while music videos don’t really seem at all like Wedding Films, they gave me the opportunity to explore the artistry of camera work, and experiment with things I liked and didn’t like in editing, and ultimately begin to carve out my own unique aesthetic.
In January of 2019, I changed careers to pursue more theatre-based opportunities onboard ships for Royal Caribbean. I’ll spare the details (I got stuck on the ship when Covid exploded– but that’s a story for another time!) but I will say that my time there was some of the most valuable for me as a person. It allowed me to clear out the noise and figure out who I am, what I wanted, and how I wanted to communicate those things. The places I saw across the Caribbean and Europe were amazing, and the friends I made were truly unforgettable.

Upon returning to Lubbock in May of 2020, I reconnected with the Cre8ive Wedding Films team, and after talking with them, I was offered the position I’m in today! I was blown away with the confidence they showed in my ability to lead, and the trust they felt that I could do a great job. As a Lubbock transplant, coming in to a company that is so strongly rooted in community was terrifying. But with the team beside me and showing me the ropes, I quickly realized that I would not be alone in this process, and that I would always have the guidance of my coworkers, colleagues, and friends to help me when I needed it.
When I was brought on, I had ideas of where I wanted to creatively take Cre8ive Wedding Films down the road, but was sure that wouldn’t happen for at least two years. But when I talked to my team and found how supportive they were of my ideas, they pushed me to explore and solidify those ideas into a roadmap for our rebrand.
Through countless hours of brainstorming, writing, editing, animating, and designing, we came up with the base of where we stand today. Most of the heavy lifting was done by my awesome friends and coworkers in the Contract Cre8ive rich media and design departments, but their willingness to listen and tackle this thing together goes unmatched. I will never be able to express how reassuring it was to hear their feedback, their pushback, and ultimately create something better together than any of us could have created alone.
Looking ahead, I see that the future is so, so bright. I often attach images that I come up with in my head (much like a shot from a movie!) to moments in time, and this moment just feels like the golden sun rising on an awe-inspiring mountain range. It contains peaks and valleys, and it all contains its own unique beauty. I am incredibly blessed and grateful for the groundwork laid before me by Jerrod and Carly, and I have huge shoes to fill. But I also know that I’m not them and that it’s just my job to make Cre8ive Wedding Films my own, and to lead with joy, humility, and creativity. I am not the smartest person in the room, and I hope to never be. I am surrounded by incredible editors like Eli, Lili, and Josh. I am supported by my fellow Directors, Tyler and Zach, and led by the unmatched combination of Jerrod and Eden. I take each day like it’s my opportunity to change the world, inspire someone, and make people feel special and loved.
I can’t speak for all of 2021, because we know what 2020 brought us. But rather than living in the past, I look forward to the future. I look forward to everyone loving our new direction, to the trials we’ll face, and how we’ll overcome them as a team.
I can’t wait for 2021, and I am so excited to meet you!